About Us.

Establishment Background
GM Clean Energy and Fuel Efficient and Technology Developer and Disseminator Plc has been established in 2014 as a Private Limited Company in Ethiopia with seed money (37,500 USD) received from Ethiopia Climate Innovative Center. Our company business establishment is based on the accomplishment of innovativeness on clean energy technologies and previous experience in energy field with different organization as independent consultant.
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The company is led by Chief Engineer & General Manager and followed by Deputy General Manager and others managerial team. The leading teams (Managerial) have track record of many years’ experiences and fruitful accomplishment background.
Chief Engineer & General Manager has Master Degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering and has been working as Professional Independent Consultant starting from August 2008 till the establishment of this company, especially on improved stoves and climate related issues. He has thirteen (13) years work experience. He is the innovator of Injera Biogas stove and for Injera baking application using biogas. Actually, fuel saving efficient Composite Mitad can be used for fuel wood stoves like Mirt stove and others biomass stoves. On fuel wood stoves, it saves fuel wood and time by 74% and 52% respectively as the performance tested using Controlled Cooking Test (CCT) when compared to tradition Mitad (flat plate used to bore Injera on it). So, this technology can bring a great impact
towards saving our forest from deforestation, climate change and environment especially with Mirt stove.
He has tested the prototype for biogas use and it is successful function and cleans from any pollution. Even it has been visited by higher official of National Biogas and others invited officers. On that day it also presented on ETV Amharic News as it can be seen from the attachment.
Here we kindly attached on the next pages some of supportive documents that helps the complete successfulness of established the company as entrepreneur!!!